What is this website?

This website is designed to help LDS singles achieve greater fulfillment by providing helpful advice and links to great resources on how to prepare for healthy relationships, make the most of life when we're not in a relationship, and how to make difficult relationship and marriage decisions. If you have any feedback please leave a comment and Good Luck!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Response #22

Hi Jonny,

Hope you're doing well! And don't worry-you are going to make some lucky girl very happy one day! These are just a few of the thoughts I had after reading your email (nothing really earth-shattering!)

1. A. Some ways to meet someone-serving in church callings/other service opportunities/just fulfilling your callings and doing what's right. Deciding in advance if you would date someone if they show an interest...because sometimes I think Satan ends what could have been a good thing before it ever begins. Making yourself available (esp. the girls) and showing an interest. It's okay not to be positive that you'll marry them! That's why you date :)

Guys-be confident. I know for myself and many girls, they were ready to date a number of their "friends" but they never took the initiative, and so someone else came along and married them/us instead!

B. Recognizing potential in those already know: how you feel in that person's presence-if you can be yourself, if you want to be better, if you can laugh together, and can communicate well. Observing how they treat EVERYONE and serve in their callings. How they are with their families. Pay attention to what friends and family say-they may see things you don't.

2. A. To help make a relationship work: I love the quote: Make your choice and love your choice. Elder Groberg's "What is your mission?" is a great talk about making decisions, and Elder McConkie's "Choosing a Wife" really helped me. Same with Elder Hollands "Cast not away your Confidence." Obviously, you have to strive to make the other happy. Recongize that Satan doesn't want you to progress, and the Lord does. Move on or get married type of thing-once ample time courting has shown whether or not you're happy together.

B. To recognize a bad fit-Yes, relationships take work, but they shouldn't be THAT hard!!! If you are always emotionally drained, can't communicate without anger or resentment, etc., it's obviously not a good thing. Listening to family and friends who care about you.

Have a good one!

PS-with all that said...there really is a time and a place and a reason for all things and the Lord knows what he is doing! I did learn that you shouldn't have to convince anybody.

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