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This website is designed to help LDS singles achieve greater fulfillment by providing helpful advice and links to great resources on how to prepare for healthy relationships, make the most of life when we're not in a relationship, and how to make difficult relationship and marriage decisions. If you have any feedback please leave a comment and Good Luck!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Great Relationship Quotes

This website has some classics


RELATIONSHIP COROLLARIES 1. Can I be my own self in this relationship?2. Am I emotionally honest in expressing my affection?3. Are we friends first? Romance always follows, it never precedes friendship in a proper relationship.4. Are we entitled to the presence of the Holy Spirit in our relationship?5. Am I dating someone I already know I would never marry?6. Am I the person I know I am when in their presence? 7. Does being with them make me feel ennobled, that I can be better than I am?8. Am I being real in this relationship?9. Does this relationship allow me to express my needs and concerns in my own way?10. Is this relationship built on respect? CONCLUSION: Selecting an eternal companion is the freest decision we will ever make in mortality. It therefore requires the most effort in making the determination that we will then counsel with the Lord about. We need to bend every effort to learn if our potential companion is what and who we want eternally. Then, and only then, can you expect confirmation from the Lord concerning your decision. Author: Gerald R. Haddock, Source: BUILDING ETERNAL RELATIONSHIPS . BYU 3rd Ward, 15 March 1998 Saved by mlsscaress in love counsel effort respect marriage holyghost decision dating romance real true honest frienship enobled 5 months ago[save this] [permalink]
There is more to a foundation of eternal marriage than a pretty face or an attractive figure. There is more to consider than popularity or charisma. As you seek an eternal companion, look for someone who is developing the essential attributes that bring happiness: a deep love of the Lord and of His commandments, a determination to live them, one that is kindly understanding, forgiving of others, and willing to give of self, with the desire to have a family crowned with beautiful children and a commitment to teach them the principles of truth in the home. An essential priority of a prospective wife is the desire to be a wife and mother. She should be developing the sacred qualities that God has given His daughters to excel as a wife and mother: patience, kindliness, a love of children, and a desire to care for them rather than seeking professional pursuits. She should be acquiring a good education to prepare for the demands of motherhood. A prospective husband should also honor his priesthood and use it in service to others. Seek a man who accepts his role as provider of the necessities of life, has the capacity to do it, and is making concerted efforts to prepare himself to fulfill those responsibilities.I suggest that you not ignore many possible candidates who are still developing these attributes, seeking the one who is perfected in them. You will likely not find that perfect person, and if you did, there would certainly be no interest in you. These attributes are best polished together as husband and wife.Author: Richard G. Scott, Source: http://www.lds.org/conference/talk/display/0,5232,23-1-19-11,00.htmlSaved by richardkmiller in children motherhood parenting perfection home marriage dating fatherhood 7 months ago[save this] [permalink]
I hope you will not put off marriage too long. I do not speak so much to the young women as to the young men whose prerogative and responsibility it is to take the lead in this matter. Don't go on endlessly in a frivolous dating game. Look for a choice companion, one you can love, honor, and respect, and make a decision.Author: Gordon B. Hinckley, Source: http://speeches.byu.edu/reader/reader.php?id=1124Saved by richardkmiller in marriage dating courtship 8 months ago[save this] [permalink]
There is no separate Church for singles. There may be wards or branches or classes for singles, but we are all part of the same Church. There can be much joy in attending a singles ward—activities and parties and service projects and spiritual guidance. There are opportunities to bond with others with similar interests and age and to meet new friends. However, in this environment of possible future mates and with only a short window of time, some singles focus almost all their energy in a frenetic search for a husband or wife. Instead of enjoying this unique time to meet with others in a similar single situation, they become preoccupied by a nagging fear that marriage is escaping them. They become more frustrated and concerned with their single condition.You’re in the prime of your lives—no wrinkles, free discretionary time, and a world burgeoning with options and opportunity.Author: Dallin H. Oaks and Kristen M. Oaks, Source: http://www.lds.org/library/display/0,4945,538-1-4349-1,00.htmlSaved by richardkmiller in opportunity marriage dating single 9 months ago[save this] [permalink]
There are many in this stake who date and date but they are not sure if this is the right one the Lord wants for them. My opinion is that it is not the Lord's decision who we marry. It is our decision. Also, it is my belief that there is not just one person. If someone were to believe this then perhaps if there were any issues later on in marriage we may turn and blame the Lord for allowing us to make such a decision. Look for someone who is attractive to you and who is attracted to you. Look for someone who has the values and goals you hold and pursue that person.Author: President Baker - BYU 21st Stake President, Source: Stake Conference - Sat Session - 3, Nov 2007, Provo TabernacleSaved by mlsscaress in marriage decision dating seek one many 12 months ago[save this] [permalink]
I'm not perfect; I'll piss you off, say stupid things then take them back but put that all aside, and realize that you'll never find a girl who cares about you more than me.Author: Natalie B, Source: www.nexopia.comSaved by coocoocourtney in dating perfect not caring 1 year ago[save this] [permalink]
If the girl you're interested in doesn't inspire you to greater effort than you would undertake without knowing her, then you'd better look around and get another.Author: George Romney, Source: http://www.boston.com/news/politics/2008/specials/romney/articles/part1_main?mode=PFSaved by richardkmiller in marriage dating 1 year ago[save this] [permalink]
The best way to avoid divorce from an unfaithful, abusive, or unsupportive spouse is to avoid marriage to such a person. If you wish to marry well, inquire well. Associations through "hanging out" or exchanging information on the Internet are not a sufficient basis for marriage. There should be dating, followed by careful and thoughtful and thorough courtship. There should be ample opportunities to experience the prospective spouse's behavior in a variety of circumstances. Fiancés should learn everything they can about the families with whom they will soon be joined in marriage. In all of this, we should realize that a good marriage does not require a perfect man or a perfect woman. It only requires a man and a woman committed to strive together toward perfection.President Spencer W. Kimball taught: "Two individuals approaching the marriage altar must realize that to attain the happy marriage which they hope for they must know that marriage . . . means sacrifice, sharing, and even a reduction of some personal liberties. It means long, hard economizing. It means children who bring with them financial burdens, service burdens, care and worry burdens; but also it means the deepest and sweetest emotions of all."Author: Dallin H. Oaks, Source: http://lds.org/conference/talk/display/0,5232,23-1-690-25,00.htmlSaved by richardkmiller in marriage dating 1 year ago[save this] [permalink]
In relationships we must remember that others are also children of our Heavenly Father. At the first of our marriage, my husband said quite often, "I didn't marry you for your looks." Finally I teased him a bit by saying, "That really doesn't sound too flattering." He explained what I really already knew, that this was intended to be the highest compliment he could give me. He said, "I love you for who you are intrinsically and eternally." The Lord said: "Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; . . . for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart" (1 Samuel 16:7). In families, friendships, dating, and marriage, we should value not just beauty and résumés, but rather character, good values, and each other's inherited divine natures.Author: Susan B. Tanner, Source: Heavenly Father knows you and loves you. You are His special daughter. He has a plan for you., General Young Women Meeting,March 24, 2007Saved by richardkmiller in character love dating beauty relationships 2 years ago[save this] [permalink]
As to the single men, I need merely to repeat the admonition attributed to Brigham Young, "Every man not married and over twenty-five is a menace to the community." I asked Dr. Lyman Tyler yesterday if he would document this for me, but he said he had been trying to document it for years; he had given up, so you will have to accept it either on faith, or as apocryphal.Author: Ernest L. Wilkinson, Source: Commencement Exercises May 31, 1963 BYU Speeches of the Year, p.1Saved by cboyack in marriage bachelor menacetosociety dating 2 years ago[save this] [permalink]

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